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Jolla : where i can find a carbon bike fork usable in gravel with 1 1/8" steerer?


To find a carbon bike fork suitable for gravel riding with a 1 1/8" steerer, there are a few options available to you. Here are some places where you can search for such a fork:

  1. Local Bike Shops: Visit your local bike shops that specialize in road and gravel bikes. They usually have a variety of forks in stock or can order one for you. The staff can also provide expert advice and help you choose the right fork for your needs.
  2. Online Retailers: Several online retailers specialize in cycling components and have a wide range of forks available. Websites like JensonUSA, Competitive Cyclist, Chain Reaction Cycles, and Bike Nashbar are popular options. Use their search filters to specify your requirements for a carbon gravel fork with a 1 1/8" steerer.
  3. Manufacturer Websites: Check the websites of reputable bicycle manufacturers that produce carbon forks. Companies like ENVE, Whisky Parts Co., Ritchey, and Easton offer high-quality carbon forks suitable for gravel riding. Browse their product listings to find forks with the desired specifications.
  4. Cycling Forums and Classifieds: Join online cycling forums or browse classified websites like Pinkbike or Cyclingnews. These platforms often have sections dedicated to buying and selling cycling components. You may find a used or discounted carbon fork that meets your requirements.

Remember to compare prices, read customer reviews, and consider factors such as weight, tire clearance, and axle compatibility when making your selection. It’s also essential to ensure compatibility with your frame and other components, so consulting with experts or your local bike shop can be helpful.


are there some exact products that fits my description?


While I don’t have real-time access to product listings or inventories, I can provide you with some examples of carbon bike forks suitable for gravel riding with a 1 1/8" steerer that were available as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. However, it’s always a good idea to verify their availability and compatibility with your specific requirements. Here are a few options:

  1. ENVE G-Series Gravel Fork: This fork is designed specifically for gravel riding and features a 1 1/8" steerer tube. It has ample tire clearance and is known for its lightweight and durable construction.
  2. Whisky No.9 CX Fork: The Whisky No.9 CX fork is compatible with gravel riding and has a 1 1/8" steerer. It is constructed from carbon fiber and offers excellent vibration damping and precise handling.
  3. Ritchey WCS Carbon Gravel Fork: Ritchey’s WCS Carbon Gravel Fork is designed for off-road adventures and has a 1 1/8" steerer tube. It provides ample tire clearance and offers a balance of weight, strength, and compliance.

These are just a few examples, and there are likely many other options available on the market. It’s recommended to check with local bike shops or search online retailers and manufacturer websites to find the most up-to-date and suitable options for your needs.

Ja kuten tuossa näkyy, vaatii tarkan vastauksen saaminen joskus pientä lypsämistä, mutta voi olla hyvinkin oikeassa.

Itse tutustunut ja käyttänyt jonkin verran työn puolesta, lähinnä ChatGPT:tä.

Kiinnostava on myös ollut ”tekoäly tulee ja tappaa” -näkökulma. Eli Eliezer Yudkowskyn ja kumppaneiden setit.

Tää on mun lempi tekoälysovellus. Eli tää laatii asiasta kuin asiasta to do -listoja ja niiden yksityiskohtaisuuden asteen voi valita.

ChatGPT sit erilaiseen “hups, aika loppuu kesken” oppimateriaalien viimeistelyyn, esim. wikipedia-artikkelin kääntäminen selkokielelle käy tolta tosi hyvin. Suomea toisena tai esim. neljäntenä kielenä puhuvien muksujen opettajana se on hirveen hyödyllinen ominaisuus.