Pöörirando 15-16.06 2024 - Viro

Hey northern neighbors! PanePanePane is once again organizing Pöörirando, a 24h checkpoint race. That isn’t a race. But is a race… This year we’ll be on the islands of Saaremaa, Hiiumaa, and Muhu. Join us and enjoy the Estonian countryside on the (almost) whitest night of the year.

For the uninitiated, Pöörirando is an adventurous bike race to enjoy the whitest night of the year. You can take it as a leisurely hike or try to rock as many kilometers as possible. Checkpoints are located in the wilderness and on road, which allows you to choose the right bike, course and riding style for you. Each rider will receive a manifest with checkpoints and various tasks to collect points, which means that the winner might not be the one with the most km-s, but the best planner. You can participate alone or with a group.

All the details are on our site here, or reach out if you have any questions.

And here’s the registration form.

There may be some prizes at the end, but that isn’t the point. This isn’t a race. But it kinda is… Mostly it’s an excuse to spend as much time as you want in the saddle over 24h and then share stories over food and drinks between post-ride sauna rounds. And we’re looking forward to hearing about how the day treated you. (Though, if you want to come to win it, our veterans will welcome the challenge.)