Tämä jää koko ajan vähemmälle ajolle joten myyntiin. Porttiteoria jne.
Lisäksi tämä on mulle vähän pitkänhuiskea. Lyhyemmällä stemmillä ajoasento ollut suhteellisen ok mutta ei sitten ihan oma kuitenkaan. Koko 58cm.
Olen tykännyt pyörästä kokonaisuutena, hihnavedosta, en ole edes hävennyt oransseja kehiä. Säilytetty sisätiloissa. Maalipinnassa muutama pintanaarmu ja muuta vastaavaa käytön jälkeä, yleisvaikutelma kuitenkin siisti. Keskiö vaihdettu uuteen vuosi sitten (shimano un55 muistaakseni). Eturengas vaihdettu uuteen gatorskiniin tänä kesänä, ajettu ehkä 200km.
Kuvasta poiketen myydään alkuperäisellä ohjainkannattimella joka n. 10-11 cm (viimeinen kuva). Saat mukaan molemmat tangot, alkuperäinen ohjaustanko on mallia riseri jossa jonkin verran taittoa sisäänpäin. Ei sovi mulle. Nyt kiinni pätkäisty perus riseri.
(Jos haluat myös 70mm kannattimen - joka on muuten os tangolle ja shimmattu, toim. huom - saat sen 20 eurolla.
Hintapyyntö: 440 euroa, pohjoinen helsinki. Kuljetus lähialueella onnistuu.
Pm tai sms 040-353 yhdeksän neljä yksi viisi.
I have similar one, and I’ve liked a lot. No messy oil stains in shoes, silent power transfer, easy to maintain (if everything’s ok). Cons: if it breaks, that costs a bunch.
I’ve been riding a belt drive fixed for about three years now. Probably getting close to 10k mark, but not quite there. I’m on the second belt and I only changed it because of some maintenance - I still have the old one as a backup. Even if it breaks a new belt is 60 euros at the LBS so it’s not prohibitively expensive. The parts do have their cost but a very long service life as well.
The benefits were covered by KD above and I agree on those. After the initial adjustment you really don’t need to think about oil or mess. A dry brush occasionally, maybe with some water is all it needs.
Tension adjustment is very delicate but there’s a smartphone app for that.
The feel of a carbon drive is very different compared to a chain, because there is no slack to be felt. If you make a chain feel the same, you’re running it too tight. There’s no dead space between backwards and forwards motion of the cranks (when fixed), and even if you have a freewheel you will notice the absence of chain slack.
I quite agree with Koivulan Dynamo above - Carbon drive runs really smooth and quiet. It is said to squeak a little in the winter before the belt gets warmed up - i have no personal experience on this though. The best thing is that it does not need oil, and for that reason it is very easy to clean. The gear ratio is 55/22 which i think is very good in urban / commuting use. Comparing to chain drive, it is more expensive to change the gear ratio if one should feel to do so.
Thanks guys! My thoughts exactly that it should be much cleaner and easier to maintain than traditional chain. Even though converting regular bike to belt drive could be tricky (if possible at all) due to lack of adjustment at least in semi-horizontal dropouts, not to mention vertical ones.
Anyhow, sorry for offtop, and best luck in selling! Looks like nice ride for the fair price.