olen saanut oikeuden poistaa (nyt fobba jos luet tätä niin huomioi konteksti) jälleen, mutta pelotta että se menee heti kun poistan yhden kommentin jolloin jää jäljelle vaan toinen kommentti yksinään, mikä olisi vielä pahempi lopputulos. Siispä tuotan lisää sisältöä.
Rated Excellent
Because the chemical makeup of these plastics is so different from acetone, any reaction is negligible for mechanical properties.
Rated Good
These materials won’t dissolve when exposed to acetone, but there are better choices. You can expect at least a minor effect they contact acetone.
- Ulltem
- Radell
- Polyethylene
Rated Fair
This category indicates that acetone would have a moderate effect on the plastic. On our chemical resistance chart, we just list one: acetal. If it comes into regular contact with acetone, your part will have a limited life.
Not Recommended
If acetone comes into contact with the plastics below, you can expect a severe effect, especially at a high concentration and over a long time. The chemical makeup of these plastics is too similar to acetone to resist it. The acetone will damage the plastic’s surface, softening it, smearing it, or even dissolving the plastic.
- Polycarbonate
- Polysulfone
- Cast Acrylic
en sit tiiä, noi muut not recommendedissa ei sano mitään ja PVCtä noi tiivisteet (tai sylinteri) ei ainakaan oo, mitkä on salee se kriittisin elementti.
No onneksi se nyt on ollut aina paska ruisku teknisesti ottaen, paitsi tietty lihasharjoittelumielessä, että sitä nyt on ihan ookoo väärinkäyttää.
toinen artikkeli:
Prolonged exposure to acetone will damage rubber
Acetone is a very effective cleaning agent for rubber, but it can also be very damaging if used incorrectly. Prolonged exposure to acetone will damage rubber, causing it to crack, lose elasticity, or degrade over time. This is because acetone is a harsh chemical that can break down the rubber molecules, weakening the material and making it more susceptible to damage.
While acetone can be used to clean rubber, it should be done so with extreme caution. It is important to note that acetone should not be used on rubber for extended periods of time. The longer the rubber is exposed to acetone, the greater the risk of damage. Therefore, it is recommended to use acetone only for short periods of time and to rinse the rubber with water immediately after to remove any residual acetone.
no asetoni nyt kans onneks haihtuu äkkiä, mutta olishan tuon voinu ainakin huuhdella-yleensä teen niin toki.