Where to buy a wire basket for a rear rack?

I am looking for some sort of semi-permanent basket to fix to my standard rear rack. I am looking for something a bit larger than what is usually offered. Dual side-mounted baskets is also good.

Also, while riding I saw a bike store in Helsinki and they had these huge cargo bikes, but now I totally forgot where I was when I saw it, any idea where it is?

diff_lock - 18:55, 17.3.2011 »

Also, while riding I saw a bike store in Helsinki and they had these huge cargo bikes, but now I totally forgot where I was when I saw it, any idea where it is?

Ikifillari in kurvi? http://maps.google.fi/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fi&geocode=&q=kinaporinkatu+1&aq=&sll=60.18845,24.96096&sspn=0.001576,0.006748&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Kinaporinkatu+1,+00500+Helsinki&ll=60.188289,24.961066&spn=0.003264,0.013497&z=17

I don’t think it is that place, it was more near a larger road and they had a bike on display in front of the store.

diff_lock - 1:38, 18.3.2011 » I don't think it is that place, it was more near a larger road and they had a bike on display in front of the store.
[Velosport](http://www.velosport.fi/) have a Bakfiets on display in front of their store.

Yup, velosport it was. Thanks.