Malmi-alleycat vol. 2 kokoontuminen tänään 17.6 20:30 Örskinpuistossa.

josbanse - 11:27, 1.6.2016 »
kibalchich3000 - 11:22, 1.6.2016 » Hey lads, could anyone please translate the info regarding the alleycat in English. Google translate doesn't really help much.
Located in Helsinki in Malmi area (with about 5km radius from previous event). It's free for all but if you know the area and places you have an advantage. Some clues in manifest could be cryptic and require knowledge. So to conclude (and op can correct) it's basic alleycat with Northern-Eastern Helsinki twist.
that sounds damn complicated =\
kibalchich3000 - 12:57, 1.6.2016 »
josbanse - 11:27, 1.6.2016 »
kibalchich3000 - 11:22, 1.6.2016 » Hey lads, could anyone please translate the info regarding the alleycat in English. Google translate doesn't really help much.
Located in Helsinki in Malmi area (with about 5km radius from previous event). It's free for all but if you know the area and places you have an advantage. Some clues in manifest could be cryptic and require knowledge. So to conclude (and op can correct) it's basic alleycat with Northern-Eastern Helsinki twist.
that sounds damn complicated =\
ignore that and read my reply, take your bike, lock, pen, some change, bag and be in the place that will be given before the alleycat. If you don't know the neighbourhood bring a map, paper or mobile and you'll be fine. Main thing anyways is to have FUN!

^^ I’m pretty sure you can complete the manifest without ever having been in Malmi and that it’s not more complicated than alleycats in general. Those who know the place will of course have a slight edge. OP can confirm whether my ponderings are correct.

tomppa - 17:21, 28.4.2016 » kiitti banse
kibalchich3000 - 12:57, 1.6.2016 »
josbanse - 11:27, 1.6.2016 »
kibalchich3000 - 11:22, 1.6.2016 » Hey lads, could anyone please translate the info regarding the alleycat in English. Google translate doesn't really help much.
Located in Helsinki in Malmi area (with about 5km radius from previous event). It's free for all but if you know the area and places you have an advantage. Some clues in manifest could be cryptic and require knowledge. So to conclude (and op can correct) it's basic alleycat with Northern-Eastern Helsinki twist.
that sounds damn complicated =\
There'll probably be at least one fellow foreigner there, so you won't be alone. Sid's aiming to go, but I'm not yet sure if I can make it...

Because we have so vivid and active fixed gear -scene in Helsinki (awesome) I am going to postpone this alleycat to Friday the 17th of June! I’ve heard that there has been some craving for later action so we will meet up around 20:30 in Malmi, more accurate place will be announced later. Start around 9pm/21:00. If there are non-Finnish speakers going to participate to this event, I will make the manifest in English.

I will postpone this Malmi-alleycat because on 15th of June zykkeli is going to organize some criterium action in the eastern suburbs of Helsinki, in the burning field area! It is also easier to drink more beer during the weekend which is recommended in the Malmi suburb.

#aah #friday #malmi

17th = sideways festival tho

li-sam - 18:25, 1.6.2016 » Because we have so vivid and active fixed gear -scene in Helsinki (awesome) I am going to postpone this alleycat to Friday the 17th of June! I've heard that there has been some craving for later action so we will meet up around 20:30 in Malmi, more accurate place will be announced later. Start around 9pm/21:00. If there are non-Finnish speakers going to participate to this event, I will make the manifest in English. I will postpone this Malmi-alleycat because on 15th of June zykkeli is going to organize some criterium action in the eastern suburbs of Helsinki, in the burning field area! It is also easier to drink more beer during the weekend which is recommended in the Malmi suburb.
Suck my balls. Nim. 9vperjantaiillatkiinni

Pitikin ehdottaa viikonlopuiltaa tälle, kun itsekin sidewaysissä perhana

Jos torstai tai lauantai olisi parempi, voin tätä vielä siirtää aivan hyvin. Oon koko viikon vapaalla ja manifesti on jo hahmoteltu et sinänsä siirtäminen käy helposti. Toisaalta jos ja kun on muodikkaat festarit päällä, on hyvä lievittää nykyihmisen FOMO-tuskaa järkkäämällä jotakin vaihtoehtoista ohjelmaa.

Duuniviikko ohitse, liksaa ei näy, sidewaysliput menneet ja perjantai-ilta vapaa? Näyttäisi vahvasti siltä ainakin mun osalta ja siirtotoiveitakaan ei ole kuulunut, joten perjantaina siis ajetaan!

Vielä ennen perjantaita on aikaa teroittaa vesuri, pesemään vauhtiverkkarit, hommaamaan nopeat lasit ja tutustumaan malmin yöelämätarjontaan. Toisaalta, kyllähän näitä perjantai-iltanakin ehtii…

Pärkkele ku tännekään ei pääse.
Mut have a bumb!


Noniin! Tänään eli huomenna mennään. Kokoonnutaan kello 20:30 Örskin puistoon (Örskinkujan ja Örskintien risteyksessä), Örskinpuisto Google Mapsissa. We will meet today at 20:30 at Örskinpuisto (Google maps link earlier). Since I am working tomorrow (WTF) I cannot provide a groupride myself from city centre to örskinpuisto.

e: Ota mukaasi pyörä, lukko, kynä, kantoväline.

Vähän perseeltä näyttää toi sää. Uhka vai mahdollisuus?

1.1mm lupaa heti startista seuraavalle tunnille. Onko se paljon vai vähän?

1,1mm on vähän, eilen tuli 15-20mm tunnissa ytimessä kun kovaa sateli. Joku mesta missä manifesti pysyy kuivana ois hyvä silti olla.

Nyt kyllä harmittaa, näitä olin kovasti odottanu. Tiistaina kävi sen mittakaavan pannut että naama ruvella ja juuri saamani tiedon mukaan radiologin tutkittua röntgenkuvat että olkalisäkkeen murtuma, suoraan sanottuna vituttaapi. Joten ajakaa vaikka tulis vettä kun kerran voitte :smiley:

Ei perkele. Nähää viivalla.