Anyone For Darts?

I don’t know what this outdoor board is but I saw a lot of them in Lieksa in the summer, it’s most certainly not darts!

Erik - 21:39, 2.12.2014 » In Finland we have this thing called [s]"Dart 'n' Ride"[/s] "Tikkaride.
I fixed that for me.

Those are for mökkitikka or cottagedart. Buy from a petrol station for 5 euros, get drunk and throw the darts at your friends. Awesome fun! Sometimes those have an actual dartboard on the other side. The quality is awful.

darts also so dull that they wont make harm while flying into the eye or butt or

darts could actually be a quite good weapon for bicyle mounted combat warrior.

Well. That escalated quickly.

Ninjas, darts to the butts, warriors, tee-shirt designs, drunkness.

I´m in.

I have seen a finnish boy running around with a tikka in his forehead. Also one once injected my friends foot.

this was nice:

i can play darts with you next year, ty-ger.

Couldn´t sleep last night because of the flu.
I´m afraid this guys creepy laughter is haunting me during the next one…

I’m all for fun but darts is a serious game, no ninjas, no butts and most certainly no Germans! :wink:

Hopefully the 4+ months I’ve gone without playing will have reset my arm because I was playing so badly before I moved here (note how I’m making my excuses early).

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Odie - 22:18, 2.12.2014 »
WANT! NEED! WHERE? EDIT: nope, not going to order one t-shirt from US.

here’s a picture from colleagues from England doing trackstand darts.

How about today at Fiksikeskars?

Today is no good for me. One thing I’ve noticed since moving her is that Finnish people like to make plans without very much notice, it’s all “what about tomorrow?” or “how about in an hour”, haha.

I’m going to need at least a couple of days notice. Suggestions for places to play will be a good start, preferably with a decent sized chalkboard and a good supply of chalk. Never underestimate how tiny pieces of chalk can spoil a good night of darts!

hmh - i always have thought that it is the finns who have their calendars always fully booked up for the next 3-4 weeks =D Some day next week?

The website is great, are drinks expensive because it’s in the city?

Ive been looking for a good darts place for a long time. Best i know is the Angleterre. Good but expensive beer. Would definitely be interested of throwing some darts and drinking beer. If it would happen more often, even buy my own darts. Thats fun “sport” when not too drunk:)

Me and a few mates used to play darts every now and then in winter time but it hasn’t been so popular for the past couple of years. We always played at my place or in Angleterre where they have at least 3 boards and serve real ale. If you’re looking for cheap beer then that’s probably not the place.
I still have a darts board on the wall at home but in the past year I think I’ve played less than ten 501’s on it.
I was never that good but occasional success in what I was trying to hit was always satisfying enough to keep playing interesting :wink:
I’m in but I can only join you guys after next week.